We have always tried to offer the best value for money. Our products, combined with premium shipping as standard and excellent customer service make us unbeatable.
Sometimes, however, there are occasions when you will find boots available at another retailer at a discounted price. Subject to the conditions below we are happy to price match any such offer. Just call us on 0114 2493461 or email us at cowboybootstore@gmail.com with the details of the product you want us to match.
Price match conditions- Our price match only applies to full price goods - we can not guarantee to match sale items although we will always try to do so.
- We will only price match goods on a like for like basis. The list of criteria includes, but is not limited to: colour, size, style, availability, shipping costs and taxes.
- We are unable to combine a price match with any other offer.
- We may need to have proof from you if the goods are only at a discount by being a "club member" and are not visible to our customer service team.
- Any price match is at our discretion and this price promise in no way obliges us to match any other offer, although we would always aim to match any reasonable request.