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What does Pre-Order/Ships in x weeks mean?

Understanding Pre-Order Timelines at Cowboy Boot Store

Ships in 3–5 Weeks

Ever wondered what “Ships in 3–5 weeks” really means? When a product displays this status, it means that your chosen item will be ordered directly from the manufacturer, ensuring you secure your preferred pair by placing an order. In some cases, the boots might be a regular part of our inventory that's momentarily out of stock, resulting in a quicker turnaround. However, certain styles are exclusively available through pre-order, even though they still display a “Ships in 3–5 weeks” timeline. If you decide not to place an order, there won't be any available sizes for that specific style. Look out for the message in the product description alerting you to this fact: “This style is only ordered from the manufacturer as customers place orders. No new sizes will be available unless you order.

Pre Order Cowboy Boots


For our Ariat boots, the concept of pre-ordering takes on a different timeframe. Thanks to Ariat's local warehouse in the UK, the wait is generally shorter – often just a week. However, some sizes may take a bit longer. If you want to confirm the expected wait time before making a purchase, feel free to reach out to us at This advice holds true for all pre-orders across our range.

Up to 16 Weeks

Bringing exotic snakeskin goods into the mix involves a longer waiting period, currently exacerbated by post-Brexit regulations. The new import laws mandate additional checks and documentation, handled both by the maker and our store. As a result, after placing your order, anticipate a wait of up to 16 weeks to receive your snakeskin items. Given the circumstances, the wait might extend slightly, but worry not – we'll keep you updated through regular emails. Should you choose to cancel your order and receive a refund at any point, that option is available to you.

If you have questions about the waiting time for a specific item, don't hesitate to contact us at We strive to respond to your inquiries within a day, ensuring your shopping experience is as smooth as possible.